More than 6000 private schools and tuition centers having tight circle by Income tax in Karachi

KARACHI (21th Aug, 2019): More than 6000 private schools and tuition centers having tight circle by Income tax in Karachi. The FBR’s Broadening of Tax Base Zone has tracked 6324 non-taxable schools and tuition centers in six districts of Karachi that are not taxing despite heavy fees and taxable income. More than 6000 private schools and tuition centers having tight circle by Income tax in Karachi

The schools identified are O Level, A Level Schools, Tuition Centers, Nursery, Montessori, Primary, Elementary, Secondary High Schools, Higher Secondary Schools and Training Institute.

According to sources, the FBR has compiled a list of 6324 educational institutions based in six districts of Karachi, according to which 85 Higher Secondary Schools with taxable income, 245 O&A Level Schools, 4954 Secondary / High Schools, 869 Elementary. There are schools and 171 primary schools around which the FBR has decided to curb torture.

According to the list compiled by the FBR’s BTB Zone, most schools with taxable income were identified in the district, where a total of 1,370 private seminaries were not paying taxes.

Similarly, 1307 private schools in Central District, 1005 private schools located in District Ghori, 921 private schools in Korangi District, 911 private schools in Malir District and 810 private schools in South District are not taxable despite taxable income. ۔

Sources said that regular notices have also been issued to all private schools identified by the FBR and further steps will be taken next week.